Articles are more in-depth than Tips and are more abstract than a tutorial.
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Anatomy of a Legato Application
A Legato application is constructed differently to a normal Linux program. This Article explains the differences and pitfalls for a new Legato programmer
A Question of Time
Time. it's simple, we all understand it or we thing we do. But timestamps aren't all created equal...
LTE ain't LTE - Selecting the right device for your application
Here's a simple method for selecting the appropriate category of LTE device to use for your application
mangOH and the Mirai botnet
Is the mangOH susceptible to the Mirai botnet? No ... and Yes
Security hygiene for the mangOH board
With the rise of malware targeting IoT devices it's important to secure your mangOH board before letting it out into the big, bad world
Sierra Wireless Innovation Summit - Paris 2017
Practical Legato - A quick start guide to Legato Development. Slides and sample code from Technical Track Presentation at SWIS 2017
When one serial port is not enough
How to add multiple serial ports to your mangOH or FX30